Free-roaming cat – Perseverance
Perseverance isn’t a kitten anymore. And she isn’t cuddly anymore, either. In fact, she’s afraid to be touched. She’s even afraid when people get too close. Yet, Perseverance wasn’t always that way. Unkind people have taught her that it’s safest to run. It’s the way a cat who’s been abandoned manages to survive, to persevere.
The four-year-old cat has lived outdoors, roaming a neighborhood. The people there know that she does no harm because Perseverance was trapped, vaccinated, spayed, and returned a year ago. She won’t cause diseases or kittens.
Some neighbors feed her, with donated food gathered by the Friends of the Shelter, but Perseverance and cats like her struggle to survive. They’d be very glad to move into a barn or commercial building.