Bean and Jackson – Orphans In Need
She must have been an amazing mamma. After something life-ending hit her, Mamma made it back to her kittens. Mamma was their safe place, so two-week-old Bean and Jackson were lying on their mother’s body when someone came across the tragic scene. That woman called a vet’s office for help. A staff member in that office called the Grant County Friends of the Shelter.
Since then, a GCOF member has been fostering the kittens. The foster mom expected round-the-clock every-three-hour feedings, but she didn’t expect the rest. Both kittens became life-threateningly ill. They couldn’t breathe and it seemed possible that they’d lose their eyes.
After a month of frequent vet visits, covered by the GCFOS Emergency Vet Fund, and amazing nursing care – eye drops every few hours, medications, steam treatments, heating pads, and tremendous amounts of cuddling – Jackson and Bean seem to be recovering. Now the kittens are focused on being unbearably cute and ready to charm their way into a forever home.
Click here to donate to the Grant County Friends of the Animal Shelter and support Jackson and Bean.